Sao Jorge

Item #: 8257
A lush verdant island in the middle of the Atlantic which the majority is left to cows to graze in the pastures and look out at the deep azure sea. Total peace here – it’s amazing. Amidst this, 20,000 cows live and are milked by hand twice a day. The evening milk gets delivered to the cheese plant about 8:30 at night and cheese is produced right away from about 9 pm to 4 am. After morning milking another round of cheese is made. This is a cooked-curd pressed raw cow’s milk cheese. The DOP has given it status as of 3 months and it is sold 3 months, 4 months and 7 months aged. There is just one dairy that makes the DOP cheese. As historically there has always been a lot of milk available, the size of the wheel is 22 lbs.
- Country: Portugal
- Region: Açores
- Size: CW 22 #
- Raw Milk: Yes
- Special Order: Yes